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Mental health is a complex issue that affects millions of people worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, over 450 million people suffer from mental or neurological disorders, and this number is on the rise. While conventional medicine has its place in treating mental health disorders, it is essential to explore alternative approaches. Naturopathic medicine offers a holistic approach to mental health that considers the whole person, including their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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Understanding Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms of a disease. Naturopathic doctor (NDs) use a range of natural therapies, including nutrition, herbal medicine, physical manipulation, and counseling to help their patients achieve optimal health. NDs believe that the body has an innate ability to heal itself and that it is the role of the physician to facilitate this healing process.

Naturopathic Approaches to Mental Health

Naturopathic medicine offers a range of approaches to mental health that can be used alone or in combination with conventional treatments. Some of these approaches include:


Diet plays a crucial role in mental health. Studies have shown that a diet high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can contribute to depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders. On the other hand, a diet rich in whole foods, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can promote mental well-being. Naturopathic doctor work with their patients to develop a personalized nutrition plan that supports mental health.

Herbal Medicine

Herbs have been used for centuries to treat a range of mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression. Naturopathic doctors use a range of herbs, including St. John’s Wort, ashwagandha, and valerian root, to help their patients achieve optimal mental health. Herbs can be used alone or in combination with other therapies.

Physical Manipulation

Physical manipulation, such as massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic care, can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. These therapies can help improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.


Naturopathic doctors often incorporate counseling into their treatment plans. Counseling can help patients identify and address underlying emotional issues that may be contributing to their mental health disorder. NDs may also use techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction to help patients manage their symptoms.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, and stress reduction techniques, can also play a significant role in mental health. Naturopathic doctors work with their patients to develop a personalized plan that addresses their unique needs.

Naturopathic medicine offers a holistic approach to mental health that considers the whole person, including their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By incorporating nutrition, herbal medicine, physical manipulation, counseling, and lifestyle changes, naturopathic doctors can help their patients achieve optimal mental health. While conventional medicine has its place in treating mental health disorders, naturopathic medicine offers an alternative approach that can be used alone or in combination with conventional treatments.

If you are struggling with mental health issues and are looking for a holistic approach to your care, consider scheduling a consultation with Dr. Nicole, a skilled and experienced naturopathic doctor. Dr. Nicole takes the time to listen to her patients, understand their unique needs, and develop personalized treatment plans that promote optimal mental health.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Nicole today and take the first step towards a healthier you.

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Natural health center Astery Healing Arts

Copyright © 2020 Asteri Healing Arts – All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: The state of Texas does not currently license Naturopathic Doctors. Thus, Dr. Nicole Shusterman, ND maintains an active naturopathic medical license in the state of Kansas, and acts in Texas as a naturopathic wellness consultant, not as a physician. The recommendations Dr. Shusterman provides are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.