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alcohol harm
If, when you take stock of 2020, you've noticed that your spending on alcohol has increased, you're not alone. According to statistics from the federal Alcoholic Beverage Regulatory Service, liquor sales are up 5 percent in 2020 compared to 2019, although the last decade has seen a steady decline in alcohol consumption. And we all understand that the reason for this not rosy picture is the global COVID-19 pandemic taking over the world in 2020.

Table of Contents

While alcohol can temporarily reduce the stress associated with the unknown, health, finances and relationships with family and friends, the effects of even a single glass of wine are significant.
So, how does alcohol affect your body? Let’s get to the bottom of it.

№1. Sleep

Do you think that a glass of wine before going to bed will help you sleep?
At first glance, drinking alcoholic beverages really relaxes you and makes you feel sleepy. But the devil is in the details – after drinking alcohol your sleep will be shallow and will not allow the body to recover before the next day.

In addition, researchers have proven that under the influence of alcoholic beverages increases snoring, which can lead to sleep apnea – the cessation of breathing for more than 10 seconds. Such sleep disrupts the function of internal organs and can lead to death.

№2. Heart Health

Other studies have shown that a glass of red wine reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. But unfortunately, this topic has not been fully explored and has no direct evidence, confirmation, or denial.
The Heart Association admits that wine has a positive effect on the heart only with regular physical activity and a proper diet.
But if you do not lead a healthy lifestyle, even one glass of wine or other alcoholic beverage can have a negative impact on health – nerve tissue is affected, the heart muscle suffers, and cardiomyopathy develops.

№3. Dehydration

Want to know who, after a pleasant evening, will dare to break your nightly idyll with your favorite bed? The answer is simple: alcohol. It is a strong diuretic. Under its influence the elimination of fluid from the body is significantly increased compared to that if you drink other drinks. Meanwhile, together with water are excreted and useful substances – comes rapid dehydration of the body. Under the influence of alcoholic intoxication you can miss the first symptoms and harm your body. And the moisture that remains and accumulates in the tissues will be the “cherry on the cake” in the form of morning edema.

№4. Cognitive abilities

Staying sane and in good mind is unlikely to work, skipping a glass or two of wine every day to relax after a hard day’s work.
Research by the National Institute of Health has shown that excessive alcohol consumption can affect a person’s psychological state – depression, anxiety or insomnia.
When intoxicated, cognitive function decreases. There is slurred speech, sluggish reactions, decreased vision. When hard liquor is abused, the brain suffers and memory deteriorates.
Replace late night drinking with meditation or yoga before bedtime. Take up a favorite hobby. Spend time in the bathroom with bubble bath, scented candles and relaxing music.

№5. Weight gain.

Trying to stay in good shape by abusing alcoholic beverages and staying healthy is not a good idea.
First, alcohol is high in calories – there are 7 calories per 1 gram of pure alcohol, which means that the stronger the drink, the more caloric it is. The syrups and cream used in cocktails also exacerbate the picture.
Second, for the fastest cleansing and getting rid of alcohol, the body breaks it down first, without using the fats and carbohydrates that have already begun to be deposited in fat.
On top of all this, research by the National Institute of Health has shown that drinking alcohol increases appetite. While intoxicated, a person ceases to control what and how much he eats.

№6. Digestion

Oh, that awkward rumbling in your stomach in the middle of an office or store full of people. And why is that? Because it’s payback time. Payback for a night out drinking hard liquor.
Alcohol increases the acidity of the stomach, which causes irritation, bloating, heartburn or even ulcers.
Agreed, not a very pleasant prospect. But, alas, that’s not all. The ethanol in alcohol burns the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to diarrhea.

№7. Skin condition

If digestive problems can at least somehow be hidden by buying medicine, or cured, then flabby skin is unlikely to be hidden.
Excessive alcohol consumption reduces the production of protein and collagen, which are responsible for skin elasticity.
Sugar and salt found in alcohol increase the production of sebum. This causes inflammation, clogged pores and rashes. Alcoholic beverages dilate blood vessels, which can cause skin redness. And after drinking champagne or beer, on the contrary, bruises may appear under the eyes, and the skin may become dull.

№8. Brittle Bones

Data from the National Institute of Health has shown that alcohol has an extremely negative effect on bone tissue. The health of the bones is directly dependent on the amount of calcium and vitamin D in the body, which are washed out with other useful substances under the influence of alcohol. If they are deficient, the bones become thin and brittle. This increases the risk of fractures, and significantly slows down the process of fusion.

№9. Sexual Relationships

Watch out for the twists and turns – in alcoholic euphoria, there is often a false impression that sexual intercourse is more interesting and enjoyable. But, alcohol is a very cunning and dangerous predator that hunts its prey slowly, unhurriedly, and then quickly attacks it.
Regular alcohol consumption leads to a hormonal imbalance that affects the reproductive system. Men lose their sexual functions. And in the case of pregnancy, girls are more likely to have a difficult pregnancy and increase the risk of giving birth to a child with various diseases.

№10. Training Efficiency

Fitness and alcohol are incompatible concepts. And even if you’re not a professional athlete, but an amateur and you exercise only to stay healthy, don’t think that this doesn’t apply to you.
Alcohol affects athletic performance and reduces the production of the hormone that is responsible for muscle growth. It will take 4-5 days for your body to fully recover, after drinking alcohol in moderation. This means that you have to miss at least one training session.

Drinking alcoholic beverages before training can increase body temperature and sweating, lower blood pressure, disrupt thermoregulation, and clot the blood. Also, alcohol increases the risk of injury, decreases energy reserves, impairs coordination and reaction speed, and increases stress on the heart, which can even cause it to stop.
The effectiveness of the workout will be significantly reduced if alcohol is consumed even after the workout. Australian studies have shown that drinking alcohol after strength training can reduce muscle protein synthesis by 37%. Muscle pain, weakness, and dehydration can occur.

Make the right choice – give up bad habits, eat right and exercise more. For a personalized consultation to improve your well-being, you can make an appointment with a naturopathic doctor in Dallas.

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Natural health center Astery Healing Arts

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Disclaimer: The state of Texas does not currently license Naturopathic Doctors. Thus, Dr. Nicole Shusterman, ND maintains an active naturopathic medical license in the state of Kansas, and acts in Texas as a naturopathic wellness consultant, not as a physician. The recommendations Dr. Shusterman provides are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.