How to diagnose depression in yourself or a loved one?

You should suspect depression if you have the following symptoms for more than two weeks:

How do I know it’s time to get help?

It’s time to see a naturopathic doctor if:

It is also possible to go to a natural medicine doctor in the case of not being able to cope with the consequences of some traumatic event. This can be the death of a loved one, separation from a partner, being fired, an accident, and more. When acute stress is important to monitor your own condition and to prevent visits to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Treatment of depressive states is always individual and lasts from half a year to several years. It all depends on the severity, the number of episodes in the past and the chosen method of therapy.

How to maintain mental health if you work all the time?

Let’s note right away: self-medication will not help you overcome depression. It can only increase the duration of the illness and the progression of symptoms. Nor do attitudes like “take control of yourself” work, because they mean “suppress negative emotions, do not pay attention to them. Such an approach will exacerbate the condition.

To support yourself during a crisis or to reduce the likelihood of depression, it is important to close the basic needs of the body:

Be sure to devote time to your favorite activities, communication with your loved ones and taking care of yourself. And remember: in any condition it is better to see a naturopathic doctor.